Table 2

Comorbidities at baseline (N = 102).

Parameter n (%)
Respiratory11 (10.8%)
Cardiovascular31 (30.4%)
GI/hepatic10 (9.8%)
General neurologicala 10 (9.8%)
Spine-related neurologicalb 14 (13.7%)
Urinary tract/renal5 (4.9%)
Endocrinec 20 (19.6%)
General musculoskeletald 18 (17.6%)
Spine-related musculoskeletale 102 (100.0%)
Recent surgery8 (7.8%)
Otherf 12 (11.8%)
  • Thirty-seven percent (37%) presented with a single comorbidity while 26% had two, 21% had three, 9% had four, 6% had five, and 2% had six or more.

  • aGeneral neurological comorbidities include restless leg syndrome, loss of sensation, Parkinson disease, and diabetic neuropathy.

  • bSpinal neurological comorbidities include foot drop, severe stenosis, lower extremity radiculopathy, and pseudoclaudication.

  • cEndocrine comorbidities include diabetes mellitus (10 of 102, 10%).

  • dGeneral musculoskeletal comorbidities include fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

  • eSpine-related musculoskeletal comorbidities include, but are not limited to, sacroiliac disorders and muscle spasming in addition to all patients having symptomatic single-level degenerative disc disease per study entrance criteria.

  • fOther comorbidities include, but are not limited to, 1 patient with Sjorgen syndrome and 1 patient with osteopenia.