Table 2

Baseline characteristics of study participants.

Demographics N Summary
Age at procedure, mean ± SD (range)249 60.5 ± 12.8 (21–87)
Female, % (n)250 70.8% (177)
BMI (kg/m2), mean ± SD (range)250 30.1 ± 6.8 (17–56)
Duration of SI joint pain, % (n)250
 6 months to 1 year 18.0% (45)
 1–2 years 26.0% (65)
 <2 years 56.0% (140)
Taking narcotics/opioids, % (n)250 62.0% (155)
Prior SI joint treatment, % (n)250
 Acupuncture 8.8% (22)
 Biofeedback 0%
 Bracing 30.0% (75)
 Chiropractic care 27.6% (69)
 Physical therapy 88.0% (220)
 Prior SI joint Fusion 8.0% (20)
 SI joint steroid injection 93.2% (233)
 Sacral nerve ablation 10.0% (25)
 TENS unit 22.4% (56)
Prior lumbar spine procedures, % (n)250
 Lumbar total disc replacement 0%
 Lumbar decompression 13.2% (33)
 Lumbar discectomy 11.2% (28)
 Lumbar laminectomy 17.2% (43)
 Lumbar fusion 36.8% (92)
VAS pain score, mean ± SD (range)249 76.6 ± 11.9 (30–100)
Oswestry Disability Index, mean ± SD (range)249 54.5 ± 13.1 (18–92)
EQ-5D, mean ± SD (range)246
 EQ-5D preference weights (formerly “time trade-off”) 0.52 ± 0.17 (−0.11–0.83)
 EQ-5D VAS (scale of 0 to 100) 60.22 ± 23.03 (0.00–100.00)
  • SI, sacroiliac; VAS, visual analog scale.