Table 3

Complications in the 90-d postoperative period N = 185).

Variable (N = 185)<62 ft Walked (n = 93; 50.3%)≥62 ft Walked (n = 92; 49.7%) P Value
Postoperative complications47 (50.5%)33 (35.9%) 0.044
Cardiac complications24 (25.8%)12 (13.0%) 0.028
Neurological complications9 (9.7%)4 (4.3%)0.16
Deep vein thrombosis/pulmonary embolism6 (6.5%)1 (1.1%)0.056
Pulmonary complications13 (14.0%)1 (1.1%) 0.001
Postoperative ileus9 (9.7%)1 (1.1%) 0.01
Urinary complications7 (7.5%)6 (6.5%)0.79
Mechanical complications1 (1.1%)0 (0%)0.32
Surgical site infection5 (5.4%)2 (2.2%)0.25
Return to operating room within 90 d5 (5.4%)2 (2.2%)0.25
Length of stay, d9.5 ± 5.56.8 ± 2.50.001
Discharge to rehabilitation64 (71.1%)33 (35.9%) 0.001
  • Note: Data presented as mean ± SD or n (%). Statistically significant findings are in boldface.