Table 1

Summary of published case series reporting outcomes after vertebroplasty or kyphoplasty for metastatic cervical spine lesions

StudyNo. Of patientsNo. Vertebral bodiesTreated levelsAgeInjected volumeSuccessPreopVASPostopVASAsymptomaticleakage 6 2ComplicationsFU
Mont'Alverne et al., 20051212C252.32.780%--61 occipitalneuralgia, 1 stroke;6.9
Pflugmacher etal., 2006312C3 – C760.41.8-6.32.92None12
Sun et al., 20101010C2,others62.13100%--43 cases of mild odynophagia10.7
Masala et al.,20116270C1 – C761.52.597%7.91.72None3
Anselmetti et al.,20122525C259.3-80%8.11.06None21.8
Blondel et al.,201266C2 – C563.5--8.02.02None10
Total 12013559.9 ± 4.02.5 ± 0.589%7.6 ± 0.91.9 ± 0.822 (16%; 95% CI,9.8 – 22.2)5 (4%; 95% CI, 0.5– 7.5%)10.7 ± 6.3
  • Success was defined as being pain-free or experiencing a statistically significant reduction in pain; VAS: visual analog scale; FU: follow-up.