Table 5

Results of meta-analysis of radiological outcome measures

Outcomes or subgroupsNo.of studiesNo.of patientsStatistical methodEffect estimate (95% CI)P value
(6) Vertebral height (%)
 6.1 Baseline2265WMD−0.65 [−3.52, 2.23]>.05
 6.2 Postoperative2265WMD−17.75 [−20.73, −14.77]<.05*
 6.3 Improvement3316WMD−7.25 [−8.45, −6.05]<.05*
(7) Vertebral height (mm)
 7.1 Baseline4480WMD0.06 [−0.22, 0.33]>.05
 7.2 Postoperative4480WMD−2.38 [−2.67, −2.08]<.05*
 7.3 Improvement2248WMD−2.00 [−2.75, −1.25]<.05*
(8) Kyphosis angle
 8.1 Baseline4430WMD−1.01 [−1.98, −0.04]>.05
 8.2 Postoperative4430WMD4.25 [3.52,4.98]<.05*
 8.3 Improvement5448WMD−5.65 [−6.13, −5.17]<.05*
  • WMD, indicatedweightedmeandifference;CI,confidence interval.

  • If effect estimate is positive (>0), it means vertebroplasty group is more than kyphoplasty group. If it is negative (<0), it means vertebroplasty group is less than kyphoplasty group. Whether it is significant lies on the P value.

  • * Statistically significant.

  • Effect estimate.