Inclusion CriteriaAge between 18 and 60 years Axial back pain with degenerative disc disease (DDD) or back pain with leg symptoms for patients with contained lumbar disc herniation (CLDH) Symptoms unresponsive to at least six months of conservative management Pre operative Visual analogue scale (VAS) score ≥5 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) revealing degenerate/symptomatic discs at not more than one level Disc level to be intervened falls within Pfirrmann's grade 2-4
| Exclusion CriteriaBack pain due to lumbosacral strain or facet arthritis Workmen compensation patients A clear history or MRI pointing towards acute disc prolapse/sequestrated disc Previous lumbar spine surgery Spondylolisthesis Infection/Malignant spinal conditions Instability/Cauda equina syndrome