RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 A Rare Entity in the Lumbar Epidural Region: T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma JF International Journal of Spine Surgery JO Int J Spine Surg FD International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery SP 7165 DO 10.14444/7165 A1 Münibe Büşra Erdem A1 Aydemir Kale A1 Mesut Emre Yaman A1 Hakan Emmez YR 2021 UL https://www.ijssurgery.com/content/early/2021/01/06/7165.abstract AB Background T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma is a rare disease and an aggressive neoplasm of precursor lymphoblasts. We present a case of lumbar epidural T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma which appeared with clinical features of epidural spinal cord compression.Methods A 38-year-old male patient presented with weakness in the lower extremities and newly developed urinary incontinence. His medical history included precursor T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia and treatment with allogeneic bone-marrow transplantation 5 years previously. Spinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed an epidural mass lesion at L2–L4 levels and there was no sign of leukemia or lymphoma in clinical, laboratory, and radiological examinations. Surgery was planned for obtaining diagnostic material. Decompressive laminectomy and subtotal excision of the tumor were performed.Results At surgery, the tumor consisted of yellow-colored and hypovascular soft tissue fragments. It was encircling the spinal cord and spreading through the left L3 foramen. The patient underwent adjuvant chemoradiotherapy after the histopathological evaluation. At 2-month follow-up, the patient was able to walk without assistance, but the urinary incontinence was the same. At 5-month follow-up, the disease progressed, and the patient passed away because of infective endocarditis.Conclusion Spinal lymphomas may display its characteristic “wrap-around” fashion in the MRI. In this report, we shared the microsurgical appearance of this fashion. As the lymphomas are chemoradiosensitive tumors, the treatment should be managed with a multidisciplinary approach.