Table 3

Clinical outcomes and complications.

Total Patients(n = 47)Decompression Alone Cohort (n = 27)Decompression + Fusion Cohort (n = 20) P Value
Clinical outcomes, % (n)
Neurologic exam at latest follow-up
 Improved53.2% (25)59.3% (16)45% (9)0.39
 Stable36.2% (17)29.6% (8)45% (9)0.36
 Worse10.6% (5)11.1% (3)10% (2)1
Posthospital disposition
 Discharged home36.1% (17)37% (10)35% (7)1
 Skilled nursing facility27.7% (13)18.5% (5)40% (8)0.19
 Rehabilitation17% (8)22.2% (6)10% (2)0.44
 Long-term acute care facility19.1% (9)22.2% (6)15% (3)0.71
Length of stay, d14.913.516.70.13
30-day Readmission14.9% (7)7.4% (2)25% (5)0.12
Complications, % (n)
Operative complications
 Total12.8% (6)11.1% (3)15% (3)1
 Durotomy2.1% (1)3.7% (1)0% (0)1
 Wound dehiscence requiring take back2.1% (1)3.7% (1)0% (0)1
 Wound infection requiring take back2.1% (1)0% (0)5% (1)0.43
 Superficial wound dehiscence2.1% (1)3.7% (1)0% (0)1
 Postoperative seroma2.1% (1)0% (0)5% (1)0.43
 Brachial plexopathy2.1% (1)0% (0)5% (1)0.43
Medical complications
 Total12.8% (6)7.4% (2)20% (4)0.38
 Deep vein thrombosis4.3% (2)7.4% (2)0% (0)0.50
 Metabolic encephalopathy2.1% (1)0% (0)5% (1)0.43
 Pneumonia2.1% (1)0% (0)5% (1)0.43
 Respiratory failure2.1% (1)0% (0)5% (1)0.43
 Urinary tract infection2.1% (1)0% (0)5% (1)0.43