Table 2

Mann-Whitney U test (further surgery vs no further surgery age, VAS preoperative, VAS postoperative, EQ-5D-5L) and Fisher exact test (further surgery vs no further surgery gender and opioid use).

Patient CharacteristicsNo Further Surgery (n = 10)Further Surgery
(n = 6)
P Value
Gender, male:female4:64:20.94
Age at surgery, y, mean41440.91
VAS preoperative, mean9.69.51.0
VAS postoperative, mean1.85.3 0.004
Postoperative opioid use, %0%83% 0.042
Quality of life, mean0.810.45 0.002
  • Abbreviations: EQ-5D-5L, EuroQol 5-Dimension 5-level instument; VAS, visual analog scale.

  • Note: Boldface indicates statistically significant findings.