Table 2

Perioperative characteristics.

CharacteristicLOS ≥45 h
(n = 52)
LOS <45 h
(n = 52)
P Valuea
Spinal pathology
 Degenerative spondylolisthesis23.1% (12)9.6% (5)0.063
 Isthmic spondylolisthesis36.5% (19)50.0% (26)0.166
 Recurrent herniated nucleus pulposus5.8% (3)7.7% (4)0.696
 Scoliosis1.9% (1)11.5% (6)0.050
 Central stenosis73.1% (38)80.8% (42)0.352
 Foraminal stenosis40.4% (21)69.2% (36) 0.003
Operative time, min126.3 ± 37.4128.1 ± 40.10.816
Estimated blood loss, mL73.5 ± 50.252.1 ± 31.1 0.014
LOS (h)65.1 ± 29.926.8 ± 7.6 <0.001
Day of discharge <0.001
 POD 00.0% (0)9.6% (5)
 POD 12.1% (1)82.7% (43)
 POD 266.0% (31)7.7% (4)
 POD 314.9% (7)0.0% (0)
 POD 414.9% (7)0.0% (0)
 POD 92.1% (1)0.0% (0)
  • Abbreviations: LOS, length of stay; POD, postoperative day of discharge.

  • Note: Data presented as % (n) or mean ± SD. Boldface indicates statistical significance.

  • a P value calculated using χ 2 analysis or Student’s t test for independent samples for categorical and continuous variables, respectively.