
Summary of future data points to implement in adult spinal deformity assessment for artificial intelligence modeling prediction.

CategoryCategory and Type of MarkersMeasureFindings or Significance
FrailtySerological markersGeneral etabolismAdiponectin
Mitochondrial dysfunctionMitochondrial transcription factor A
DNA degradation
Oxidative stressMalondialdehyde
Systemic inflammationC-reactive protein
Clinical testsSPPBStanding balance on both feet, gait speed in a 4-m walk, and chair-stand repeated 5 times
Gait speedTotal distance/time
Timed up-and-go testRise from a standard armchair, walk to a marker 3 m away, turn, walk back, and sit down again
Aging and senescenceSerological markersEpigenetic clocksComplex mathematical modeling including DNA methylation and laboratory values that reflect organ function and inflammatory state including albumin,
creatinine, glucose, and C-reactive protein
Telomere lengthTelomere length is regulated by an enzyme called telomerase, and the degree of shortening is proportional to the risk of common diseases of aging and mortality.
-OmicsTranscriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics analysis among other. Complex bioinformatics and advanced computing algorithms are required to perform the analysis of over 10,000 different protein expressions and circulating and excreted metabolites as well as oxidative stress
SarcopeniaRadiologicalMRI/CTFatty acid infiltration of paravertebral and psoas muscles
MRI/ultrasonographyFemoral quadriceps area and volume
DXAAppendicular lean mass index
Clinical testsMuscle gripGrip of dominant hand measured with a dynamometer
Timed up-and-go test
Gait speed
Body mass index
ImmunohistologicalGlycoprotein Dickkopf 3 (Dkk3)Marker of age-related muscle atrophy
Pax7Transcription factor regulating the myogenic potential and function of satellite cells in muscle repair and regeneration, marker of proper cell function
Sca-1 and PDGFRαMarkers of fibroadipogenic progenitor cells that are readily converted into adipocytes and lead to muscle fatty infiltrates
Gross examinationMuscle fibersAtrophic muscle fibers have smaller cytoplasmic volumes but intact cellular machinery
Degenerated fibers have altered characteristics such as myophagocytosis and cellular infiltration, fiber splitting, and cytoplasmic disruptions.
Bone qualityRadiological markersCTHounsfield units; high-resolution peripheral quantitative CT
DXABone density; trabecular bone score; hip-axis length, hip-strength analysis, and finite element analysis
UltrasoundRadiofrequency echographic multispectrometry
Serological markersMicro-RNA and long-noncoding RNA, especially miRNA-103aNovel markers and targets for new therapies or interventions
ImmunohistologicalExpression levels of runt-related transcription factor 2, osteocalcin, osteoprotegerin, and the receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand.Bone remodeling and preservation
  • Abbreviations: CT, computed tomography; DXA, dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry; IL-6, interleukin 6; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; SPPB, short physical performance battery; TNF-alpha, tumour necrosis factor alpha.