Table 1

Fundamental statistics of the assessed items.

Items (range of scores)MedianQuartile deviationMaximumMinimum
Pain characteristics
Numerical rating scale (0-10)72.0210
Pain drawing (0-111)19.56.6701
Psychological status and subjective disability
Mental health (0-100)47.68.574.82.9
Walking ability (0-100)28.614.31000
Social function (0-100)45.99.586.50
Control over pain and pain coping strategies
Control over pain (0-6)30.505
Praying or hoping (0-12)122.4212
Catastrophizing (0-12)62.4011
Coping self-statements (0-12)93.0212
Diverting attention (0-12)82.0012
Reinterpreting pain sensations (0-12)51.5012
Ignoring pain sensations (0-12)52.0012
Increasing pain behavior (0-12)82.0012
Increasing activity level (0-12)6.52.0012
  • N = 62.