Table 1

ASA Physical Status (PS) Classification System.

Preoperative Health StatusComments
ASA 1Normal, healthy patientNo organic, physiologic, or psychiatric disturbance, excludes the very young and very old, healthy with good exercise tolerance
ASA 2Patients with mild systemic diseaseNo functional limitations; has a well-controlled disease of one body system, controlled hypertension or diabetes without systemic effects, cigarette smoking without COPD, mild obesity, pregnancy
ASA 3Patients with severe systemic diseaseSome functional limitation; has a controlled disease of more than one body system or one major system, no immediate danger of death, controlled congestive heart failure(CHF), stable angina, old heart attack, poorly controlled hypertensions, morbid obesity, chronic renal failure, bronchospastic disease with intermittent symptoms
ASA 4Patients with severe systemic disease that is a constant threat to lifeHas at least one severe disease that is poorly controlled or at end stage, possible risk of death, unstable angina, symptomatic COPD, symptomatic CHF, hepatorenal failure
ASA 5Moribund patients who are not expected to survive without surgeryNot expected to survive > 24 hours without surgery; imminent risk of death; multiorgan failure, sepsis syndrome with hemodynamic instability, hypothermia, poorly controlled coagulopathy
ASA 6A declared brain-dead patient whose organs are being removed for donor purposes