Article Figures & Data
cTDR Device # of Patients Prestige ST 541 Prodisc-C 209 Bryan Disc 463 Secure-C 380 PCM 342 Mobi-C 1-level 260 Mobi-C 2-level 339 TOTAL 2534 IDE study CTDR ACDF Prestige ST 79% 68% Prodisc-C 72% 68% Bryan Disc 83% 73% Secure-C 84% 73% PCM 75% 65% Mobi-C 1-level 74% 65% Mobi-C 2-level 70% 37% Kineflex/C 85% 71% IDE study Mean ROM (degrees) Prestige ST 7.7 Prodisc-C 8.4 Bryan Disc 6.5 Secure-C 9.7 PCM 5.7 Mobi-C 1-level 10.8 Mobi-C 2-level 10.1, 8.3 Kineflex/C 9.8 Cervical arthroplasty is indicated in patients meeting the following criteria: Skeletally mature
Clinically symptomatic cervical radiculopathy and/or myelopathy due to neural compression C3-C7 at one-level or two contiguous levels
Failed at least 6 weeks of nonsurgical treatment or shows signs of progressively clinical deterioration
Intractable radiculopathy (arm pain and/or a neurological deficit) with or without associated neck pain
Myelopathy (due to abnormality localized to the level of the disc space)